Zucchini & Pistachio Ice Cream

8 - 10Preparation Time:

4 cups (1000ml)
Arctic Gardens zucchini quarters
Zest of 2 lemons
6 egg yolks
1 cup (220g) white granulated sugar
400ml whipping cream 35
1 tsp (5ml) vanilla extract
1 tsp (5ml) white granulated sugar
1 tsp(5ml) water
60 (1⁄2 cup) shelled pistachios
1. Steam the zuchini for 2-4 minutes or until a T° of 165°F is reached. Gently pat zucchini dry to remove excess water and place in refrigerator to cool completely.
2. Add cold zucchini, lemon zest and puree until smooth with a blender. Set aside
3. In a bowl add the sugar and eggs and whisk until the mixture whitens and becomes frothy. Set aside
4. In another bowl, whip the cream with the vanilla until stiff peaks form. Place in refrigerator and set aside.
5. In a pan, add water, sugar and pistachios and cook over medium heat for a few minutes to caramelize the nuts. Make cool the pistachios completely and crush them.
6. In a large bowl, add the zuchini purée, the egg/sugar mixture and mix to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
7. Gently add the whipped cream and crushed pistachios and mix. Keep some pistachios for presentation.
8. Transfer the cold mixture to the bowl of an ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
9. Serve in a bowl with a few crushed pistachios on top!
* If necessary, place the bowl of the ice cream maker in the freezer 24 hours before making the recipe.
** For a softer ice cream, serve immediately after removing from the ice cream maker. For a firmer version, transfer to a container, cover, freeze into a container, cover, freeze for 1 to 2 hours and remove from freezer 5 to 10 minutes before serving.